Scrutinize progressive approach in construction of micro/nano 3D networks. / P. Ganjinia, M. Dehghanpour. Nano Studies. – 2023–2024. – # 23/24. – pp. 27-38. – eng.
Mesh structures are used as engineering materials for industrial and resistant light structures. The emergence of nanotechnology and the ability to manufacture and control the size of structures in micro/nano-dimensions has led to the manufacture and design of engineering materials in tiny dimensions. Reticulated and engineered 3D structures in nano dimensions have been widely researched nowadays. By using different manufacturing and design tools such as geometric design, structural optimization, and material size effects in small dimensions, various types of 3D micro-nano-materials have been made so far. This article describes recent advances in the design and fabrication of micro/nano networks as a 3D arrangement. Fig. 8, Ref. 40.