Produce archwires and braces in orthodontics by 3D printing methods: Review


Produce archwires and braces in orthodontics by 3D printing methods: Review. / S. Rajabkheir, P. Ganjinia. Nano Studies. – 2023–2024. – # 23/24. – pp. 7-26. – eng.

3D and 4D printing are cutting-edge technologies for exact and expedited manufacturing of objects ranging from plastic to metal. Recent advances in 3D and 4D printing technologies in dentistry and orthodontic appliances and orthotics, implants, etc., 3D printing techniques that are increasing their antimicrobial and relevant mechanical properties, such as surface topography, friction or corrosion resistance, hydrophobic properties and features, has been presented. In this review, different 3D printing technologies available for use in dentistry are highlighted together with a judgment on the materials available for printing. Tab. 1, Fig. 8, Ref. 61.